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Who is involved in strategic planning?

Strategic planning involves a variety of stakeholders and team members within an organization. The process typically includes input from leadership, management, and other key decision-makers. Here's a breakdown of who is involved in strategic planning:

  1. Leadership Team: The executive leadership team is responsible for setting the overall direction and vision for the organization. They define the strategic objectives and outcomes that the organization aims to achieve.
  2. Board Members: Board members do not set the details of a strategy but are critical approvers of the final strategic statement. They are vital input-providers, too, given their outside-in perspective and diverse experiences.
  3. Management: Middle and lower-level management play a crucial role in the strategic planning process. They are responsible for implementing the strategic initiatives and ensuring that the day-to-day operations align with the overall strategy.
  4. Strategy Department: In some organizations, there may be a dedicated strategy department or team responsible for conducting research, diagnosing internal and external factors, and ideating potential strategic opportunities.
  5. Employees: Depending on the organization's culture, employees at all levels may be involved in the strategic planning process. Their insights and perspectives can provide valuable input for identifying strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
  6. External Stakeholders: This includes individuals or groups who have a vested interest in the organization's success, such as key customers, partners, and non-board investors. Their input and feedback are valuable in shaping the strategic direction.
  7. External Consultants: In some cases, organizations may engage external consultants or advisors to provide expertise and an outside perspective on the strategic planning process.

Overall, strategic planning is a collaborative effort that involves input from various levels of the organization, as well as external stakeholders. It's essential to have a diverse range of perspectives to ensure a comprehensive and effective strategic plan. Learn more about securing buy-in from this wide range of stakeholders.

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