Leverage Event Predictor's unique dataset of fundamentals-driven event predictions to feed in data about corporates, including likelihood of acquisition and C-suite change. Define your own corporate events for EP to build a custom model around, and aggregate events into trends to track industry shifts key to your fund.
Expand your data horizons.
EP has built a dataset of numerous historical corporate events, through a proprietary identification model processing public data on releases, filings, regulatory updates, and much more. Choose from several events, including majority share transfer and C-suite change. Our team can also work with you to define a custom-tailored event type, which we can build into a brand new custom event dataset for you.
Each of EP's historical event datasets have a corresponding Prediction dataset, containing the modeled probability distribution of event likelihood for every corporate we track. Use our predictive engine to help adjust your assumptions and input directly into your valuation models—or even to filter and triage your length marketing lists.
Based on our strategy consulting team’s ongoing industry-level analyses, EP maps corporate events (such as “acquisition”) to industry trends (such as “consolidation”), and subsequently provides datasets for such trends, both historical and predictive. Clients may also request datasets of custom trends, through a collaborative process with our team.