Business need

Understanding customers

Leaders agree that product and customer strategy suffer from lack of process, "recency" bias, lack of transparency, slowness, and disconnect from the data. Having built software and helped both startups and multinationals over the past decade, we at Gaussian know the value of rooting product strategy in the customers' needs, to form a foundational layer that all parts of the organization can transparently build on.

Often, there isn't time or a process for understanding customers. Incrementally understanding customers is not only very achievable, but critical for maximizing an organization's rate of learning, and guaranteeing access to future profit pools.

Understanding customers

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Client success

SMBs and innovation teams trust Gaussian

Learn about some of the quick impact that we've had with some of our closest client relationships.

"Working with Gaussian is helping Buffy enable the next stages of profitable growth, along with efficiencies that have unlocked bandwidth for executives to focus on strategic structure and initiatives."

President & COO

"The pragmatic approach incorporated the thought leadership of traditional strategy consulting with the focus on implementation necessary to credibly deliver to our objectives. Gaussian is always ready to roll up their sleeves and provide leverage where it is needed most."


"Gaussian has become a mission-critical aspect of the business, guiding not only in strategic and operational decisions but also in my own behavior, focus and growth as a leader."


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